So I have been going for these walks lately at a little park near my home. It has been there for awhile now but I never really took advantage of it. Lazy I suppose… Well for the last couple of months I have been pretty good about walking on the treadmill at the gym. But now that it is getting pretty decent out most of the time, I am trying to do my walking outside. I am getting better about actually doing it. Last night I really realized how lucky I am to have this place so close to my home. I dont even need music, there are a multitude of birds singing all the time there. Tons of orioles, and a pair of swans nesting!! Just so you know, this pond was a corn field a few years ago before it was transformed into this beautiful park.
I took a few photos around sunset the other night, The orioles at the park have no fear.
I was obsessed with swans as a kid. They are so graceful, no matter what they are doing!
Oh whats that peeping out under the wing?
Its a fuzzy little baby swan!!
You should know that I was shooting these photos with my 200mm lens but even still I was in the ‘danger zone’… Swans do not like to be bothered and will attack!
really awesome!!!!!